
Sunday, 30 March 2014

Discrimination against women

We can see how in modern societies women are still discriminated, we can see this in countries as Saudi Arabia were women are seen as being inferior to men and are treated in that way. This in other countries has changed a lot and there is a gender equality. In the news lately there has been a case of a women who has been pored on top acid by a man, and the mens judge veredict has been that he had to be pored on also acid on his face but less than the half she has been pored on. We can see how in this county which is Saudi Arabia women are seen inferior to men which is for the times we are at very unmodern and seen badly by the rest of society.

In this countries we can see this inequalities due to society and religion, which have a very strong repercution in this countries, are controlled mainly by men who have considerable power within politics and the workplace. In this countries men are which have the power in their houses, if they are very rich they usually have more than one wife and they are the breadwiners. In the other hand women can note ven drive and they have to stay at home, they can not go alone without another men to the street o even leave the country without the permision of the men they are with. This are serious inequalities which lead to this judge veredict in this case. In this countries all women depend of a men and this does not occur in more developed countries as are the ones in Europe.

Another reason for this massive inequality in gender is that men generally have a bigger share of rewards such as status and wealth. In the case of this countries it is not only generally it is in nearly all cases and this reward in wealth is due to that women can not work and for this a man has to take care of them and by this men gain status and women decrease in status. Due to all of this occurring what finishes happening is that men have a bigger repercusión in judgments and by this happening when there is a court of a women against a men they usually finish winning or getting less damaged as in my example.


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