A new case of domestic violence occured in Medina del Campo, Spain. A women of 35 years old has finished injured after being shooted with a gun by his ex boyfriend while she was in a park. The police didn't have news about other incidents between this couple.
Although many reforms have been made to help women beaten by man, domestic violence continues to happen frequently. Some reasons that makes this happens are:
-economic inequality after marriage and parenthood -different expectations of the roles of men and women and the different pressures they place on families especially during recessions -insufficient housing for single parents and their children -the difficulties of policing domestic violence -the privacy of the family home -difficulties of public funding of social services to help these situations -higher expectations about married life
- excessive masculinisation/feminisation of media presentations of sporting heroes/celebrities
Normally we can relate this domestic violence to inadequate socialization, learning the wrong rules, norms and roles(negative influence of family background and home environmental). People with a low status are normally the kind of persons that will commit criminal behavior. The gap between expectations and reality make them feel relatively depravity and this discontent made lead them to act that way. A man beating a women is a way of feeling powerful because they think that at home everything must be done as they say. They don´t accept that a women have the rights to decide or do what she thinks. And if a women decides to leave him he can´t accept this decision because this kind of men have the idea that women belongs to them and also there is the influence of his peer group, because he can lose status between his friends if his women divorces him.
Domestic violence many times is not reported to the police because:
-the victim may believe that the police will handle it insensitively.
-they feel ashamed
-they are frightened because the think that if they tell someone the situation at home can become worse.
-the law normally don´t do nothing in this type of situation.
-victims of violent crime consider the issue to be private, prefer to deal with it themselves.
In our country there are more women asking for help to associations and probably in a short time there will be strict laws against domestic violence. Something that we can´t not see in other countries were religion and ethnicity permit men treat women as they want and that makes that men lose respect towards women, and young girls, that in many countries are rapped, and nobody do anything to help them.
There are many more cases of rape in India right now - or at least, many cases in the media. Again, it is difficult to know whether the 'increase' is due to sensitivity of the public, changing norms allowing rape to be reported, media attention, or a real increase. But increase or not - it remains equally terrible. Thanks for a good post.